Administrative / management practice :

Commitment to comply with CommitTex LTD Code of Conduct

This Supplier Code of Conduct sets forth the commitment of CommitTex LTD to do business only with those suppliers and factories that share CommitTex LTD’s commitment to fair and safe labour, health & environmental practices. The Supplier Code of Conduct defines our minimum expectations. Since no Code can be all-inclusive, we expect our vendors to ensure that no abusive or exploitative conditions and practices or unsafe working conditions exist at the facilities where our merchandise is manufactured. CommitTex LTD will not tolerate any vendor that directly or indirectly, through its subcontractors, violates the laws of the country where the merchandise is manufactured. A copy of this Supplier Code of Conduct, translated into the native languages of the workforce, should be prominently displayed within each facility where Leaves Apparel order is manufactured.


1. Forced Labor:
There shall not be any use of forced labor, whether in the form of prison labor, indentured labor, bonded labor or otherwise.
2. Child Labor & Age Verification:
No person shall be employed at an age younger than 15 (or 14 where the governing law allows such employment), or younger than the age for completing compulsory education if the age in the country of manufacture is greater than 15. All facilities are required to maintain official documentation in order to verify each worker’s date of birth, as well as appropriate records documenting that the employer adheres to all restrictions under local labor laws that apply to juvenile workers.
3. Harassment or Abuse:
Workers shall be treated with respect and dignity. Workers shall not be subject to any physical, verbal, sexual or psychological harassment or abuse in connection with their employment.
4. Nondiscrimination:
Workers should be employed and compensated based upon their ability to perform their job, rather than on the basis of gender, race, religious or cultural beliefs.
5. Wages and Benefits:
Employers shall pay workers for all work completed and shall pay at least the minimum wage required by law or the prevailing industry wage, whichever is higher, and shall provide legally mandated benefits. Employers should provide to workers, for each pay period, a clear and understandable wage statement that includes days worked, wage or piece rate earned per day, hours of overtime, bonuses, allowances and a description of any and all deductions. Manual or electronic time cards should be used for hourly workers. For “piecework” workers, an industry recognized system, capable of audit verification, should be used.
6. Work Hours:
As part of normal business operations, workers shall be entitled to at one full day off out of each seven-day week. In the case of those countries where laws do not limit the hours of work, workers should not be required to work on a regular basis in excess of a regular work week plus 12 hours overtime. Workers shall not be asked or required to take work home or off premises.
7. Overtime:
It is understood that overtime is often required in the manufacturing process. In addition to compensation for regular hours of work, workers shall be compensated for overtime hours at such a premium rate as legally required or, in countries where there is no legal standard, at industry standards. In no event shall this be at a rate less than the regular hourly rate. Factories shall carry out operations in ways that limit overtime to a level that ensures productive and humane working conditions.
8. Compliance with Laws:
All Standards set forth in this Code of Conduct are subject to compliance with applicable local law. All factories shall operate in full compliance with the laws of their respective country of manufacture. If any standard set forth in this Code of Conduct is, in the factories’ judgment, deemed to violate an applicable local law it must advise CommitTex LTD promptly in writing.
9. Subcontractors:
All subcontractors must be disclosed to CommitTex LTD prior to production, and all subcontractors and facilities must be pre-approved by CommitTex LTD . Any subcontractor must be in compliance with this Code of Conduct and each of factories is responsible for ensuring its subcontractor’s compliance.



To get Our full conduct of condcut please Download File .

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CommitTex Ltd.

CommitTex Ltd is a leading apparel manufacturing & sourcing company based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. With a legacy spanning back to 2013, we have established ourselves as a trusted partner in the industry, offering comprehensive apparel support to clients worldwide.

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